update-modules won't work

Geert Stappers Geert.Stappers at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 2 18:48:33 CEST 2002

At 17:02 +0200 10/2/02, Michael Renner wrote:
>in one of my scripts I have the command
># make a new /etc/modules.conf
>chroot $target update-modules
>But this does not work. In 'shell.log' is no error mesage, but the line
>+ chroot /tmp/target update-modules
>Any suggestions?

An untested suggestion:

# debugging make a new /etc/modules.conf in chroot
echo "which update-modules > /tmp/which-update-modules
cat /tmp/which-update-modules
update-modules" > $target/tmp/update-modules-debug
chmod +x  $target/tmp/update-modules-debug
echo "echo wrong script" > /tmp/update-modules-debug
chmod +x  /tmp/update-modules-debug
chroot $target update-modules-debug

Geert St

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