FAI on Sparc Linux?

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Tue Jun 11 22:10:19 CEST 2002

>>>>> On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:17:55 +0100, Andrew Stribblehill <a.d.stribblehill at durham.ac.uk> said:

    > I asserted to a friend that FAI worked on Sparc Linux. Is this
    > really the case? If so, how close can it get to my ideal of:

    > L1-A boot net -v install

    > I made an FAI install-server in what I think were the pre-1.0
    > days from before Thomas was a Debian developer -- how similar is
    > it now?
There are many changes. First read the completly rewritten manual.
There's also a link on the fai web page to the guys that used fai for
Sparc Linux.

Gruss Thomas

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