lilo 22.1 (woody)

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Thu Nov 29 14:16:27 CET 2001

>>>>> On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 10:34:33 +0100, Ingo Herz <herz at> said:

    > This may be caused by my setup: I installed fai on a potato box
    > and use the base2_2.tgz as the basesystem because there is no
    > debootstrap available. Then packages are installed from woody
    > and dselect-upgrade at the very end of fai replaces potatoes
    > lilo_21.4.3-2 with lilo_22.1-1 from woody. Any way to insert a
    > mkdivert at this step?

If you want to install woody on your install clients, you have to
install a nfsroot for woody. That's how it works. So, change fai.conf
to it use sources.list for woody and recreate the nfsroot.


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