FAI and Linux+Windows

N. Raghavendra raghu at mri.ernet.in
Tue May 22 14:44:46 CEST 2001


We have to configure about 35 machines soon, and some of the
users of these machines, unfortunately, want M$ Windows along
with Linux. (I am a debian-user myself, and do not use Windows.)

I'd be grateful for any information on whether FAI can be used
for automatic installation of a Linux+Windows configuration on a
few machines.

Please CC your replies to me, as I do not subscribe to the list.


N. Raghavendra                    | GnuPG signed/encrypted mail
raghu at mri.ernet.in                | welcome.  Key ID: 03618806.
Harish-Chandra Research Institute |    C75D D0AF 457E 7454 BEC2
http://www.mri.ernet.in/~raghu/   |    37AD C6E1 0407 0361 8806
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