bootdisk/nfsroot problems

Niall Young niall at
Thu Sep 14 12:09:48 CEST 2000

> First, it it worth waiting for your potato CD's. Why do you want to
> install an old system ?

I'm still waiting on delivery of the potato CDs - should be here soon,
maybe tomorrow.

> > this is related to my broken nfsroot) and finally I get "ERROR: FAI action
> > not defined" and am forced to reboot.
> How does your dhcpd.conf lokks like ? Does /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/fai/DHCP exist
> but not /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/fai/BOOTP ?

dhcpd is fine, I'm allocated an IP with no problem, nfsroot is mounted fine.

> > shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories
> looks like thew script has no access to a directory. Is it a mounted
> partition without root access ?

Nup, / filesystem all on the one partition, unless base2_1.tgz contains strange

> Try to install a nfsroot of potato on your potato box,
> and only use slink when installing the clients. Therfore use
> base2_2.tgz inside make-fai-nfsroot and set the variable to slink in
> /usr/local/share/fai/fai_config/global.conf. I hope this will work.

I might just have to wait until the CDs come, probably wasting your time by
doing this - just wanted to get fai up and running asap.  Thanks Thomas.

Niall Young

Linux Solutions -- -- niall at
        Providing Internet and Audio/Video Solutions and Consulting        
              Ph: 0407 421 537 -- PO BOX 1117, Gwelup WA 6018              

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