
Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Thu Nov 30 13:50:43 CET 2000

>>>>> On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 02:26:49 -0500 (EST), james at wwnet.net said:

    > A few problems/suggestions I have: -Make your debian package
    > depend on wget, or stop using wget to grab base?_?.tgz, can
    > apt-get be used to grab this file?

apt-get can't grab this file.
FAI doesn't depend on wget, because you can also install FAI without
using wget, when you have NFS access to a Debian mirror. But wget is
suggested, so it should be installed when using apt-get (when FAI is
an official Debian package)

    > -Make fai-setup copy base?_?.tgz to $NFSROOT/tmp so it can be
    > accessed via nfs, instead of having to grab the file again.

Good idea ! But $NFSROOT/tmp is not a good choice, because it's a
ramdisk, so it would need more than 16MB. I will choose an other location.

    > -I had a problem with resolving dns when fai-setup is running.
    > make-fai-nfsroot (IIRC) would ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf
    > $NFSROOT/etc/resolv.conf (or something similar).  This would
    > cause apt-get to complain about any sources because there wasn't
    > a /tmp/resolv.conf once the script had chroot'd.  I replaced
    > that line with cp /etc/resolv.conf $NFSROOT/etc/resolv.conf, and
    > it still didn't work right so I just used the ip address of the
    > ftpserver.  I still need to figure out what is happening here.
    > Maybe at that time the resolver lib isn't in the chroot?

copy is wrong. Use the symlink instead. /tmp/resolv.conf will be build
during booting the client, not the time the nfsroot is build. Have you
defined name servers in bootptab or dhcp.conf ? These information are
used to build resolv.conf.

            Thomas Lange
Institut fuer Informatik        mailto:lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
   Universitaet zu Koeln
            Pohligstr. 1        Telefon: +49 221 470 5303
             50969 Koeln        Fax    : +49 221 470 5317

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