fai 1.3.0test1 has a major bug ! Fixed in 1.3.0test2

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Nov 10 09:58:54 CET 2000

> This means FAI will work on a vanilla woody setup, right? I've a lot
> of problems with the 1.0 alpha fork that I have, so time to look
> into the new version :)

I haven't testes FAI with woody, but you should really look into the
new version ! Since 1.0 many thing has happend. If you have problems
with woody, please send them to me or this mailing list and I will try
to help.

            Thomas Lange
Institut fuer Informatik        mailto:lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
   Universitaet zu Koeln
            Pohligstr. 1        Telefon: +49 221 470 5303
             50969 Koeln        Fax    : +49 221 470 5317

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