Initiales Booten und /usr per NFS

Thomas Gebhardt gebhardt at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE
Fri May 26 15:12:45 CEST 2000

> Ein dpkg --root=/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot -i rdate....deb cfengine_....deb
> ...  wuerde es ermoeglichen /usr nicht von einem Server noch zu
> mounten. Ich sehe jedoch zur Zeit keinen Grund dafuer /usr ncht zu
> mounten, Probleme gab es dabei auch nicht und hoffen wir mal, dass die
> libc jetzt laengere Zeit nicht mehr so stark veraendert wird.

I use to work without mounting /usr and tend to copy all the things
I need to nfsroot. I do this because

* I have a separate /usr/share partition (so I would have to tweak
  fai_rc to export/mount /usr/share also). Note: the user space
  nfsd will export /usr/share automagically if you export /usr,
  the kernel space nfsd will not)

* Due to lack of space in /usr I have moved some stuff away and
  addressed these directories by symbolic links. These links point
  into void on the nfs exported directory.
So the motto "Just take the /usr of a typical linux system and
you have all that you need for fai installation" involves some
implicit assumptions. I don't think that it is more elegant
and less error prone to build a separate independant nfsroot

> erzeuge ein sources.list in /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
> cp sources.list /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/etc/apt
> chroot /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot apt-get update
> chroot /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot apt-get install rdate cfengine ....

Yes, I think, this is the right way to do it.

Kind regards, Thomas

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