[linux-fai] atd started during installation

Thomas Gebhardt gebhardt at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE
Thu Jun 8 09:49:42 CEST 2000


>     > Hi, /etc/init.d/atd sets the PATH variable. Therefore the trick
>     > with "/tmp/start-stop-daemon -> /bin/true" does not work in this

a scan through my /etc/init.d directory reveals that most of the
scripts set the PATH variable. The directories /sbin, /usr/sbin,
/usr/local/sbin show up in different order in these settings.
I fear that the only way to handle this situation is to replace
the original start-stop-daemon script after unpacking base.tar.gz
and to restore it in the LAST cfengine script. One should use
dpkg-divert to replace start-stop-daemon; otherwise start-stop-daemon
would be restored when the dpkg package is upgraded during the

Kind regards, Thomas

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