FAI release for Debian Jessie

Benoit Mortier benoit.mortier at opensides.be
Wed Oct 8 11:27:16 CEST 2014

Le lundi 29 septembre 2014 17:05:29, Thomas Lange a écrit :
> Hi folks,

Hello thomas,

> currently we are working on FAI 4.3 which should be uploaded to
> unstable until mid of october, so it will enter testing before the
> release freeze of Debian Jessie.
> If you have any wishes for this next release, please feel free to post
> it to this mailing list.

i know im late on this :)

I would love for you to include the fai.schema for the ldap backend into 
this release.

As argonaut the framework for getting the integration from ldap into the 
fai config space is in unstable and should be in testing in 2/3 days.

I would love to have a recomend or suggests onto the fai-nfsroot for 

Benoit Mortier
OpenSides "logiciels libres pour entreprises" : http://www.opensides.eu/
Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre http://www.april.org/
Main developper in FusionDirectory : http://www.fusiondirectory.org/
Official French representative for OPSI : http://opsi.org/

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