Upcoming FAI Stable release 3.4.4

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Fri Oct 15 01:32:39 CEST 2010


> Queued as well but would like to see ACK especially by Michael Tautschnig:
> * svn r6123 added michael log's patch for df calls
Merged into trunk as r6136.

> * svn r6122 Trying to fix problems reported by Peter Kruse
I'd prefer not to have this merged into stable right now. This patch did not see
any testing at all.

> * svn r6121 Added dpkg hold bugfix from michael <mmlogin at gmail.com>
Merged into trunk as r6143.

> * svn r6120 Added Peter Kruse's patch for the linux-swap(v1) + preserve issue
Merged into trunk as r6145.

> * svn r6119 Added Peter's suggested improvement for hooks documentation
Merged into trunk as r6141.

> Any feedback appreciated.
> If I should include any other patches please let me know.

I'd ask for r6138 to be included as well. Acutally, r6139 would also make be
relevant for Squeeze, but AFAIK it doesn't even apply there as the packages
removed in this commit never made it into a package list in 3.4.x (would you
mind checking this?).

Hope that's fine so far,

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