Upcoming FAI Stable release 3.4.4

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Thu Oct 14 18:02:02 CEST 2010


all the important issues for FAI 3.4.4 should be fixed now and I'd
like to release it ASAP. As usual WRT review:

What's in my queue:

* svn r6134 [branch stable] README: replace lenny with squeeze
* svn r6133 [branch stable] debian/NEWS: provide information
            regarding lenny release, /bin/dash issue and new FAI URL
* svn r6132 [branch stable] doc/lenny-instructions.txt: provide
            instructions how to install Debian/lenny with 3.4.x releases
* svn r6127 bin/fai-cd: fix quote handling of rsync check
* svn r6126 bin/install_packages: mention import variables $aptoptions and $FAI_DEBSOURCESDIR
* svn r6125 man/fai-class.1: replace dpkg --print-installation-architecture with --print-architecture
* svn r6124 fai: re-add support for hostname=... bootoption when using live-config
* svn r6118 reinclude code which is needed (closes: #599305)

Queued as well but would like to see ACK especially by Michael Tautschnig:

* svn r6123 added michael log's patch for df calls
* svn r6122 Trying to fix problems reported by Peter Kruse
* svn r6121 Added dpkg hold bugfix from michael <mmlogin at gmail.com>
* svn r6120 Added Peter Kruse's patch for the linux-swap(v1) + preserve issue
* svn r6119 Added Peter's suggested improvement for hooks documentation

Any feedback appreciated.
If I should include any other patches please let me know.

http://michael-prokop.at/  || http://adminzen.org/
http://grml-solutions.com/ || http://grml.org/
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