FAI roadmap

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Tue Jul 20 17:44:35 CEST 2010

>>>>> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 16:20:53 +0100, Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org> said:

    > - Please make that DHCP-transition-bug top priority. We really shouldn't be
    >   blocking transitions. (Well, they'll ignore FAI anyway, but it's just such a
    >   small change that only requires proper consideration of future uses of FAI on
    >   lenny systems.)
I had a longer discussion about the transition. I will not do the
transition yet in the subversion trunk. Why?

If I do the transition now, the next FAI version will not work with
lenny. I'm currently working on FAI 4.0 using lenny. This gives me a
stable environment for adding and testing new features. If I would do
this using squeeze, it could break my whole development and testing
environment, if things are broken in squeeze. This happens often
before the freeze, and even rarely during freeze.  Additionally, I
like to release version 4.0 that works with lenny, since a lot of FAI
users often use old Debian releases for a longer time, but may use
newer FAI version. I guess 4.0 will be my last FAI version for lenny,
newer versions will then only work with squeeze.

In the past I also used the stable version of Debian for developing
new things in FAI, and I switched late (before the next release) to
the testing release. This worked very well for me.

regards Thomas

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