storage magic (was Re: Patch for setup_harddisks to use it for Xen-Domains "without disk")

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Thu Nov 29 01:08:06 CET 2007

> Other ideas: "setup harddisk ng", "storage setup"
> Hmm, the last describes it's goals and work best - if storage is
> something remotely, we are not setting up a harddisk, and it is no magic
> but hard calculation... (no, we shouldn't call it "hard storage setup
> calculator and setup tool" :) )

"storage setup" indeed sounds good - even though it doesn't have the coolness of
the word "magic" in it :-))) I'd ultimately leave it for Thomas to pick, I'm
fine with both "storage magic" and "storage setup" and still open for further

Let the flamewar start ...


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