storage magic (was Re: Patch for setup_harddisks to use it for Xen-Domains "without disk")

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Thu Nov 29 01:00:27 CET 2007

Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Saturday 24 November 2007 19:28, Maximilian Wilhelm wrote:
>>> But luckily, Storage Magic isn't far anymore...
>> I'll have a look at it.
>> The word magic is kind of 'warning'...
> I agree. I liked the old name, setup harddisks 2, better.
> It's more descriptive, less cryptic.

Quite true, I think now, when I read this - even if I had possibilities
enough to influence the decision...

But then again, this can become a long discussion.
One could even a step further and not take the "2" in the name, just
give it a version number above 2 (or above whetever version setup
harddisks currently has...).

On the other hand, it's quite advanced and a total new codebase that
even might deserve a completely new name. Is "magic" really that bad?

Other ideas: "setup harddisk ng", "storage setup"

Hmm, the last describes it's goals and work best - if storage is
something remotely, we are not setting up a harddisk, and it is no magic
but hard calculation... (no, we shouldn't call it "hard storage setup
calculator and setup tool" :) )


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