The future of fai-cd

Holger Levsen debian at
Mon May 14 13:29:52 CEST 2007


On Monday 14 May 2007 13:09, you wrote:
> It's basically: create a minimal livecd with fai installed, run fai-mirror
> and copy the results in the livecd, copy a faiconfigdir on the livecd. Then
> fai is run on boot, partititions the harddrive (via a fai hook) and does a
> fai-softupdate. (IIRC the dirinstall wasnt that easy to use, due to some
> problem.)
> The code is in svn/people/h01ger/faicd 

I ment "The code for what I described above is in svn/..." :)

An easy entry point for live-helper is

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