Proposal for a new disk configuration utility
Michael Tautschnig
tautschn at
Sat Apr 29 15:05:09 CEST 2006
Hello everybody,
it has been discussed for quite a time now and many enhancements for
setup_harddisks have been posted and requested. To satisfy as many needs as
possible, at least slight changes to the current disk_config format are required
and probably setup_harddisks will be rewritten from scratch. Whereas the latter
is yet to be done, a proposal for a new format has been created by Thomas and
If you know EBNF, you can find a formal description of the input format below.
However, the comments and examples included should also help everyone to get a
quick idea of the way things work. Note, that the proposal is meant as a basis
for further discussion, any suggestions are welcome!
For those of you who are already using LVM/RAID: Please check, whether the
format described below allows for configuring your exact setup using FAI -
A few examples and explanations are given next, the differences to the previous
format are detailed later on.
# Configure the device /dev/hda
disk_config hda preserve:6,7 disklabel:msdos bootable:3
# preserve the 6th and the 7th partition. Alternatively,
# one could say preserve7 below. The disklabel is msdos, which is the default
# for x86. Furthermore the 3rd partition is made bootable, which would have
# happened as well by default as it is mounted as /
primary /boot 20-100 rw ext3
# create a primary partition /dev/hda1 with a size of 20 MB and mount it
# read-write as /boot; it is formatted using ext3 filesystem
primary swap 1000 sw swap
# /dev/hda2 will be a swap space of 1000 MB
primary / 12000 rw ext3 -b 2048
# /dev/hda3 should be formatted using ext3 filesystem; when calling mkfs.ext3
# the option "-b 2048" is appended.
logical /tmp 1000 rw,nosuid ext3
# create the logical partition /dev/hda5
logical /usr preserve6 rw ext3
logical /var 10%- rw ext3
# make /dev/hda7 at least 2000 MB
logical /nobackup 0- rw xfs
# use mkfs.xfs to format the partition
# Create a softRAID
disk_config raid
raid1 / sda1,sdd1 rw,errors=remount-ro ext2
# create a RAID-1 on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdd1, format using mkfs.ext2 and mount
# it as /
raid0 - sdb1,sde1 default ext2
# create a RAID-0 on /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sde1
# config an LVM
disk_config lvm
pv my_pv md2,md3
# create the physical volume group my_pv on the (RAID) devices /dev/md2 and
# /dev/md3
my_pv:_usr /usr 2048 rw,notail reiser
# create the logical volume _usr on the physical volume group my_pv
The major differences:
- the disk_config ... line allows for the keywords lvm and raid
- options may be appended to the disk_config line as well, but this may be
subject to change
- the ";" is not used anymore, the options that were given there have now been
split up
* the filesystem is now an explicit parameter; note, that the order of
filesystem/mount-options is not the same as for /etc/fstab, this should
possibly be changed, but would result in a major change to the previous
format of disk_config
* any options to may be given
* the "boot"-option is one of the options now given on the disk_config line
- support for LVM and RAID is completely new :-)
The complete EBNF grammar:
file ::= <lines> EOF
lines ::= EOL
/* empty lines or whitespace only */
| <comment> EOL
| <config> EOL
comment ::= #.*
config ::= disk_config lvm
| disk_config raid
| disk_config end
| disk_config disk[[:digit:]]+( <option>)*
| disk_config [^[:space:]]+( <option>)*
/* fully qualified device-path or short form, like hda, whereby full
* path is assumed to be /dev/hda */
| <volume>
option ::= /* empty */
| preserve:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
/* preserve partitions */
| disklabel:(msdos|sun)
/* write a disklabel - default is msdos */
| bootable:[[:digit:]]
/* mark a partition bootable, default is / */
volume ::= <type> <mountpoint> <size> <mount_options> <filesystem> <fs_options>
| pv <name> <size>
/* lvm pv */
type ::= primary
/* for physical disks only */
| logical
/* for physical disks only */
| raid[015]
/* raid level */
| [^/[:space:]]+:[^/[:space:]]+
/* lvm logical volume: pv name and lv name*/
mountpoint ::= -
/* do not mount */
| swap
/* swap space */
| /[^[:space:]]*
/* fully qualified path */
name ::= [^/[:space:]]+
/* lvm volume group name */
size ::= [[:digit:]]+%?(-[[:digit:]]+%?)?
/* size in megabytes or %, possibly given as a range; physical
* partitions or lvm logical volumes only */
| -[[:digit:]]+%?
/* size in megabytes or % given as upper limit; physical partitions
* or lvm logical volumes only */
| preserve[[:digit:]]+
/* do not modify this partition */
| [^,[:space:]]+(,[^,[:space:]])*
/* devices for a raid or lvm pv */
mount_options ::= [^[:space:]]+
filesystem ::= -
| swap
| [^[:space:]]
/* must exist */
fs_options ::= .*
/* options appended to call */
I hope the proposal and the examples are clear enough to allow for a wide
discussion. In case there is anything to be clarified, please feel free to ask!
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