Fai development planning tool - get your tasks

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Mon Apr 3 00:34:43 CEST 2006

To circumvent the need for manually editing tables in the wiki, and 
having the possibilities of eventually adding more sophisticated 
functionality than a hand-edidet wiki table, I made a  small 
online-spreadsheet with ruby on rails where Thomas puts items for the 
development of the next major FAI release, 3.0.

You can see this kind-of todo list at


As you see, not all items are already assigned to a person, so don't 

If you think, something is missing, mail Thomas to get it added. (note 
that, currently, the tool has items for before and until FAI 3.0 - I'll 
add an extra column for target versions and the then wanted/required 
filter functionality in later versions of the tool).

It's currently not needed to sign up, because nobody but Thomas is yet 
supposed to edit the contents - you can signon for later version when 
eventually other developers get (partial)write access to the tool as needed.

If anybody is interested in providing me with stylesheets to make the 
thing look nicer, go ahead, I'll happily add them. I just have no time 
for beautification at the moment.

Have fun,

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