[unix-ws] quotaon

Jan Eden lists at jan-eden.de
Mit Nov 26 14:11:47 CET 2003

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Allerdings handelt es sich um eine SuSe Linux-Distribution, in der die Patches enthalten sein sollten. Oder verstehe ich das Zitat falsch?

>Is quota-support built-in in the vanilla 2.4 kernels for ReiserFS?
>No, quota support for linux kernels from 2.4 branch are bundled separately and can be obtained from this location. Also check here for 2.4.20 and here for 2.4.21+ versions The reason these patches are not included into 2.4 kernel branch is because they implement new quota format and need new quota code too, which is too big of a change for 2.4 series of kernels. Various Linux distributions vendors (ie SuSE) do ship reiserfs-quota enabled kernels, though

Freundliche Grüße

Jan Bruners

Berthold Cogel wrote:

>> ich hätte vielleicht anmerken sollen, dass es sich um einen Linux-Server 
>>handelt (reiser-Filesystem).
>Siehe FAQ zu Reiserfs:
>Dort findet man auch Links zu Patches, mit denen man dem Kernel den 
>Quota-Support beibringt.
There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't