[python-users] Fwd: [PSF-Members] PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Selected Talks

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Mo Jan 19 13:20:10 CET 2015

Vielleicht für einige interessant. Ende Januar findet in Brüssel
wieder die FOSDEM statt; wie immer, mit einem vollen Python Programm.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [PSF-Members] PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Selected Talks
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:57:15 +0100
From: Stéphane Wirtel <stephane at wirtel.be>
To: PSF Members List <psf-members at python.org>, Python <python-list at python.org>, Python Announcements
<python-announce-list at python.org>, python-events at python.org, Python Weekly <rahul at pythonweekly.com>

Hi all,

We are really proud to announce the official listing for the selected
talks of the PythonFOSDEM 2015 (during the FOSDEM 2015 :

This year, it's a real surprise for us, firstly we received 42 proposals
for this edition 2015
and secondly, we move to a bigger room with 200 seats.

You are cordially invited to this PythonFOSDEM 2015.

The room is H.1301 with a capacity of 200 seats.

The event will start at 09:00 AM (local) and will finish at 06:00 PM.

We think to propose a Ligthning Talk Session of one hour.

Here is the talks of this year.

* 09:00 - TaskFlow: State Management Framework
     by Vishal Yadav

* 09:30 - Lea, a probability engine in Python Probabilities made easy!
     by Pierre Denis

* 10:00 - Dive into Scrapy
     by Juan Riaza

* 10:30 - Mercurial, with real python bites
     by Pierre-Yves David

* 11:00 - python-prompt-toolkit / ptpython
     by Jonathan Slenders

* 11:30 - Federation and Python webapps
     by Christopher Webber

* 12:00 - Let's build a spreadsheet app in Python
     by Harry Percival

* 12:30 - PDB is your friend
     by Raul Cumplido Dominguez

* 14:00 - Customize Gunicorn for your own business.
     by Benoit Chesneau

* 14:30 - Python, WebRTC and you
     by Saùl Ibarra Corretgé

* 15:00 - When performance matters ...
     by Marc-André Lemburg

* 15:30 - Gradual Typing in Python
     by Alejandro Gomez

* 16:00 - Knowing your garbage collector
     by Francisco Fernàndez Castano

* 16:30 - RedBaron a bottom up approach to refactoring in python
     by Laurent Peuch

* 17:00 - Extending Python, what is the best option for me?
     by Francisco Fernàndez Castano

* 17:30 - PyPy and the future of the Python ecosystem
     by Romain Guillebert

You can find this list on the site of FOSDEM:
and on the site of PythonFOSDEM.

Of course, after the talks, there will be a dinner in a restaurant of
Brussels with the Python Community, here is the link to the doodle [1]
for the subscription to the dinner.
We need to know the exact numbers for the restaurant. So, please, could
you subscribe as soon as possible and try to be present for the dinner.

Thank you a lot for your patience and Thank you for the proposals.

[1] http://doodle.com/ngdeesgbr6dcx3f5

Stéphane Wirtel - http://wirtel.be - @matrixise
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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