[python-users] MongoDB Events in Germany in October

Meghan Gill meghan at 10gen.com
Fr Sep 17 23:36:31 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

I thought that you might be interested in a few upcoming events in
Germany about MongoDB. MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable,
high-performance, open source, document-oriented database. MongoDB
bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and highly
scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide rich queries
and deep functionality).

MongoBerlin - October 4
Mongo Berlin will feature 30 different sessions, in both English and
German, on schema design, indexing, administration, replication,
sharding, and more. In addition to these topics, attendees can learn
about MongoDB in the real world through a series of presentations
about production deployments at companies like edelight,
BRAINREPUBLIC, musweet.com, and SoundCloud. Register at

MongoHamburg - October 5
MongoHamburg is a free meetup at Jimdo's offices on the evening of
Tuesday, October 5th. Registration is full, but we are trying to
expand the capacity so you should consider adding yourself to the
waitlist. Register at

MongoMunich - October 6
MongoMunich is a mini MongoDB conference in Munich on the afternoon of
Wednesday, October 6th. Register at

Would be great to see you some of you there. Several of the developers
from 10gen (the company that started the MongoDB project) will be in
Germany to present.


Meghan P Gill
(866) 237-8815 x7301
meg at 10gen.com

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