[python-users] How about a different lay-out of the Tageszusammenfassung?

Patrick Holz patrick.holz at uni-koeln.de
Mo Jan 22 11:40:20 CET 2007

Hi everyone,

 > Maybe somebody with more expertise on Mailman can offer advice?
 > Patrick?

I will contact our listmaster and take care of that issue. I hope we can 
resolve the problem as soon as possible.

MfG / Kind regards, Patrick Holz

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Patrick Holz           University of Cologne
Mail: patrick.holz at uni-koeln.de         ZAIK/RRZK
Tel.: 49-(0)221-478-7002                Robert-Koch-Str. 10
URL: http://www.uni-koeln.de/~a0646     D-50931 Cologne (Germany)

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