Accessing external https repo during install

Diego Zuccato diego.zuccato at
Wed Jan 17 14:10:25 CET 2024

Hello all.

I'm trying to pre-install salt from .
- assigned "SALT" class to the host
- created hooks/repository.SALT that copies the salt.list, 
salt-archive-keyring.gpg and /etc/salt/minion.d/master.conf to $target
- created package_config/SALT that includes both ca-certificates and 

The problem is that when 'apt update' runs, it doesn't recognize the 
certificate for the external repo => error gets logged and the 
salt-minion provided by the distro is installed instead of the one from 
that external repo. Obvious, since ca-certificates have not yet been 

How can I have ca-certificates installed when the repository gets added?

Diego Zuccato
DIFA - Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia
Servizi Informatici
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
V.le Berti-Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786

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