Single FAI server, multiple Debian versions?

Andrew Ruthven andrew at
Wed Jan 17 03:47:16 CET 2024

On Tue, 2024-01-16 at 14:15 +0100, Diego Zuccato wrote:
> Tks, that's indeed way easier. And more manageable, especially if the 
> files are kept on a dedicated http server => no changes to nfsroot.

They're kept in the config directory structure that is mounted to
/var/lib/fai/config . Not in the nfsroot.

I use git-annex for tracking the basefiles with git, but without ballooning
the size of my git repo.

> The con is that the file needs to be saved somewhere on the local system 
> before being extracted, and that could be a problem with small disks, 
> while with nfsroot it is accessible as a normal file and does not need 
> to be copied.

Already answered by Thomas.

> Will dig this, too. For now I'm trying to get rid of some spurious error 
> messages (related to PCI addresses that are not available, probably a 
> BIOS issue) that prevent install to automatically reboot.

This is an on-going battle with every new hardware type! Definitely worth
doing though.


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at         |
Catalyst Cloud:           | This space intentionally left blank |

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