Automatically disabling PXE boot

Andrew Ruthven andrew at
Wed Jun 7 09:57:54 CEST 2023


On Wed, 2023-06-07 at 09:45 +0200, Diego Zuccato wrote:
> IIUC hooks are run on the system being installed, so I could use LAST 
> hook to somehow signal FAI host to run "fai-chboot -d host". But that 
> would leave DHCP server sending a DHCP OFFER for a PXE boot that's been 
> disabled. Maybe I'm reinventing the wheel, but couldn't find anything.

We just leave our servers to PXE boot. It slows boot down a little, but we don't reboot that often,
so, meh. The reduction in mucking around required to enable PXE boot is worth a slightly slow boot
in my opinion.


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at |
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