FAI 6.0.1 on Debian 12/testing

Bob A buhahbuh at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 20:11:53 CEST 2023

I am trying to get FAi working in the Debian 12 environment. Most of the
files have been imported from Debian 11 with some minor changes.

Long story short, many packages are not getting installed due to an error
with some options being sent to aptitude. The installation does not fail,
just many packages are not installed. Error:

aptitude: unrecognized option '--allow-change-held-packages'

This appears to be coming from /usr/sbin/install_packages on line 63:

my $aptapt='-y -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o
Dpkg::Options::=-=force-confnew --allow-change-held-packages';

This option is not present in the Debian 11 version of the package_install

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