fai-make-nfsroot docs and missing reboot

Thomas Lange lange at cs.uni-koeln.de
Tue Oct 18 22:24:33 CEST 2022

Hi Diego,

I remember I had this issue years ago, and I may not had fixed it
correctly. Using the FAI flag reboot we cannot cover three different
cases. In my own config space I've added a line into hooks/savelog.LAST.sh


if [ -s $errfile ]; then
   echo "ERRORS found in log files. See $errfile" >&2
   echo "Congratulations! No errors found in log files."
#   export flag_reboot=1

If you uncomment the line "export flag_reboot=1"
the machine will reboot automatically if no errors are found.
Hope this helps.

>>>>> On Tue, 31 May 2022 10:56:50 +0200, Diego Zuccato <diego.zuccato at unibo.it> said:

    > Moreover, at the end of the install, after saying there were no errors, 
    > FAI asked to press ENTER to reboot, but IIUC that should me automatic, 
    > w/o manual confirmation: docs at 
    > https://fai-project.org/fai-guide/#_a_id_faiflags_a_fai_flags says that 
    > "If no errors occurred, the client will always reboot automatically." 
    > and that seems not to be the case (but it's exactly what I wanted: no 
    > error = boot into newly installed SO w/o any interaction, while 
    > specifying 'reboot' seems to suggest that it reboots also in case of 
    > errors).

regards Thomas

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