fai-make-nfsroot docs and missing reboot

Thomas Lange lange at cs.uni-koeln.de
Tue Oct 18 22:13:31 CEST 2022

>>>>> On Tue, 31 May 2022 10:56:50 +0200, Diego Zuccato <diego.zuccato at unibo.it> said:

    > Reading man page for fai-make-nfsroot it seems 'FULL' install is the 
    > default. But after having troubles adding Salt repository (could not 
    > verify server certificate), I noticed that ca-certificates (installed 
    > only in FULL nfsroot) was not present. After using
    > fai-make-nfsroot -k -c FULL
    > it works. That makes me suspect that the actual default is -s .
    > Could the man page be improved by specifying which is the case?
I've checked this. fai-make-nfsroot -fv creates an nfsroot including
ca-certificates and other packages defined in the FULL section.
So I cannot reproduce your bug.

regards Thomas

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