Transient secrets

Andrew Ruthven andrew at
Thu Jul 7 08:22:05 CEST 2022


I'm not sure if this is preferred or not, but the approach I take is to
have a command we run first, that copies any required secrets (and will
generate SSH host keys and puppet certs if required first) into the NFS
root. A cron job runs every 15 minutes and cleans up any of those
secrets which are older than 2 hours (this could be much shorter).


On Thu, 2022-07-07 at 08:12 +0200, Diego Zuccato wrote:
> Hi all.
> Is there a preferred way to pass a (different) secret to every host 
> being installed?
> Something to implement a workflow like:
> - admin asks Salt to (re)install a host
> - salt handles shutdown and switch reconfiguration (OT)
> - salt tells FAIserver to enable install of given host
> - FAI generates the secret and passes it back to Salt (or Salt
> generates 
> the secret and passes it to FAI, as long there's a shared secret)
> - the host boots via network and installs as usual, saving/using the 
> given secret
> - FAI (or the reinstalled host) tells Salt reinstall is complete and 
> Salt "cleans up" (reconfig switches & so on) (OT)
> The only "solution" I could find is to save the secret in 
> /srv/tftp/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8xxyy in append line, like FAI_FLAGS, 
> FAI_CONFIG_SRC and FAI_ACTION, but since append line can be at most
> 255 
> chars there's not much space... I's good just for very small
> "secrets" 
> (that gets transferred in the clear, hence the need to reconfigure
> the 
> switches).

Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at |
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