how to set specific information

Valérie GIVAUDAN valerie.givaudan at
Thu Sep 2 11:05:07 CEST 2021

I am newbie with FAI and my question is:
I have to install many desktops and I don't know how set a local user account (and password)  different on 
every desktop. Of course I would like FAI do it rather than do it by myself after the installation.
Generally speaking I don't know how to set specific information when doing mass installation with FAI 
(obviously I don't want to define a CLASS for every desktop...)
Thank you for your help


Valérie Givaudan			Tel:  33 1 64 46 83 38
IJCLab Service Informatique	port: 33 6 71 37 08 06
CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay
Bât. 100, Faculté des Sciences, F-91405 Orsay Cedex

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