Setting up third party apt repositories

Stefan Möding s.moeding at
Wed Mar 31 07:47:14 CEST 2021

Matthew Pounsett <matt at> writes:

> Is there a "proper" way to do this?  It seems like I've got a catch-22
> where in order to get indexes from https-based repositories I need to
> already have some of the OS in place, but the required base packages
> aren't installed yet when the "repository" and "updatebase" hooks
> fire.

Have you tried to install Bind after the OS is done?

Add the repository file as files/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bind.list/BIND
to the config space. There is a fcopy command for /etc/apt in the main
scripts so this will be copied to the node if the BIND class is set.

Also add an entry to package_config/DEBIAN:


Now using the class BIND should add the required repository and install
the package. I'm using this setup to install the Puppet-Agent from a 3rd
party repo if requested by the node classes.


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