FAI confused by DHCP on multiple network interfaces

Justin Cattle j at ocado.com
Thu Mar 18 18:24:11 CET 2021

BTW - I would also add that I had to achieve a similar config for grub
recently, not syslinux, as I was looking at Secure Boot.

An equivalent for that is adding this to the linux command line:



On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 17:13, Thomas Lange <lange at cs.uni-koeln.de> wrote:

> FAI 5.10.1 includes some change in get-boot-info
> which may fix your problems. Instead of using all interfaces that are
> up, boot.log should only contain the parameters of your first NIC.
>     > Is this a known problem? How can I force the setup back to using the
> initial
>     > IPADDR, obtained from the DHCP/TFTP server that is used for the
> install?
>     > (I vaguely remember there's a way to feed this into the pxelinux.cfg
> file
>     > but ideally I should not need to know whether there are responses
> from other
>     > DHCP servers, and if there are any, they should not overwrite IPADDR
> - with
>     > a value identical to IP1ADDR.)
> I use IPAPPEND 6 in my pxelinux.cfg files.
> --
> viele Grüße Thomas


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