Managing LVM + RAID install on a machine with EFI

Thomas Lange lange at
Wed Mar 10 10:24:21 CET 2021

>>>>> On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 10:00:30 +0100, Rémy Dernat <remy.d1 at> said:

    > disk config disk1
First, you need a GPT disk label for UEFI.

    > disk_config raid fstabkey:uuid
    > radi1 /boot/efi disk1.1,disk2.1 vfat  rw createopts="-F32"

I'm not sure if raid for /boot/efi will work, since the UEFI bios must
read this partition. UEFI does not have any knowledge about linux raid.

Search the internet for UEFI /boot/efi and raid setup. IIRC people do
not use raid on /boot/efi but they have a secondary copy which must be
synced if you change files on the original /boot/efi partition. And
you need two entries in your UEFI bios for both /boot/efi copies.

viele Grüße Thomas

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