Setting up third party apt repositories

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Apr 1 01:16:41 CEST 2021

>>>>> On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 19:01:24 -0400, Matthew Pounsett <matt at> said:

    > Interestingly, once the install is done if I break out to the shell,
    > both `apt list --installed | grep ca-cert` AND `$ROOTCMD apt list
    > --installed | grep ca-cert` show the package is installed, and running
    > `apt update` at that point produces no errors.
Maye we need ca-certificates inside the base.tgz, because it's needed
in /target from the very beginning. This can be done by adding


in /etc/fai/nfsroot.conf
viele Grüße Thomas

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