Package dependency problems

John G Heim jheim at
Fri Jan 10 20:52:51 CET 2020

Well, apt-rdepends says its gnome. I am going to check what happens if I 
do not ask it to install gnome but I think it will be bad.

The problem is that when it tries to install the chromium-browser 
package,  it tries to contact something called the "snap store". It 
keeps trying for 30 minutes.  So its adding 30 minutes to every install. 
 From a typical software.log:

Installing the chromium snap
Checking connectivity with the snap store
Unable to contact the store, trying every minute for the next 30 minutes

Apparently snaps are cross-platform package containers. You have to run 
the snapd daemon to talk to the snap store but the daemon won't run in a 
chroot environment.

# systemctl start snapd
Running in chroot, ignoring request: start

So it looks as if there is no way to install chromium-browser in fai and 
no way to avoid it either.

On 1/10/20 12:20 PM, Thomas Lange wrote:
> apt-rdepends -r chromium-browser
> will list the reverse dependencies.
> You can set the variable MAXPACKAGES to 1 so only one package and its
> dependencies are installed at a time. By default we have this set in
> class/FAIBASE.var

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