FAI 5.9 released, adding UEFI support

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Thu Jan 9 10:03:32 CET 2020

>>>>> On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 18:26:28 +0100, Martin Krämer <mk.maddin at gmail.com> said:

    > After a short check I found that the line:
    > "search --set=root --file /FAI-CD" is missing within my grub.cfg and within your "FAI server installation" entries.
    > So as soon as I add this line as it is within "Client standalone installation" and "Rescue System" all entries are working.

Thanks for the feedback and debugging help. I've created new ISO
images and will include the fix into the next FAI release.

regards Thomas

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