
Szilard Matyas-Szegedi szilard.matyas at
Tue Dec 10 15:50:55 CET 2019

Hi Thomas,

I don't know all particular aspects of the FAI design and I wouldn't like
to have a say in how things should work. But in a particular case when
interface with a proper IP setting (with default gw) is happen to the
second interface and there is a dummy IP setting on the first active
interface, variables like IPADDR, NETMASK, BROADCAST are filled and
erroneously used with dummy IP info of the first active interface. I know
it is not possible to cover every custom need of the users, but probably
using IP settings of the default interface if available would be better.


 if [ -z "$NIC1" ]; then
        NIC1=$(ip route | awk '/ dev / {print $3}'|head -1)

read IPADDR NETMASK BROADCAST dummy<<<$(ifdata -p $dev)
CIDR=$(ip -o -f inet addr show| awk '{print $4}'| grep $IPADDR)
GATEWAYS=$(ip route | awk '/^default/ {print $3}')

Please, consider this instead:

 if [ -n "$NIC1" ]; then
        read IPADDR NETMASK BROADCAST dummy<<<$(ifdata -p $NIC1)
        NIC1=$(ip route | awk '/ dev / {print $3}'|head -1)
        read IPADDR NETMASK BROADCAST dummy<<<$(ifdata -p $dev)
CIDR=$(ip -o -f inet addr show| awk '{print $4}'| grep $IPADDR)
GATEWAYS=$(ip route | awk '/^default/ {print $3}')

Kind regards,
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