FAI 5.8.6 released

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Fri Aug 30 13:41:53 CEST 2019

Yesterday I've uploaded FAI 5.8.5 today 5.8.6 was released, which just
added one minor fix for a variable name in the example config space
(in DEMO/10-misc).

Folloing things changed since 5.8.4.
fai-cd now supports setting the volume name of the ISO using the new
option -V. Another fix improves using btrfs subvolumes.
fai-kvm, a wraper around kvm now allows additional kvm options. More
changes can be found at the changelog

This version will be available for buster in the fai-project.org
repository and for unstable/testing in the official Debian

regards Thomas

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