Provisioning Docker Containers with FAI

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Nov 9 19:55:57 CET 2017

>>>>> On Thu, 9 Nov 2017 12:40:13 -0600, Itamar Gal <itamarggal at> said:

    > Anyway, it looks like I was
    > missing the protocol scheme from the URL and I also mixed up the
    > configuration space with the configuration directory. This command
    > seems to have worked:

    >     fai -v -C /etc/fai -s file:///srv/fai/config -c FAIBASE dirinstall /tmp/test
Great to hear that it's working now.

 > "Plain Text Mode" now so hopefully it won't do that.
Now it's perfect.

> Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your feedback.

regards Thomas

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