Ubuntu Artful

John G Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Wed Dec 27 19:59:36 CET 2017

I tried doing a global replace on the  mk-basefile script 
s/XENIAL/ARTFUL/g but when I ran the modified script, it created a 4k 
file that didn't work as a basefile. So then I just copied the Ubuntu 
zesty/17.04 basefile to artful/17.10 and it appears to have worked. An 
installation is proceeding as I write.

But I think that the  documentation on the steps to manually build a 
basefile would be helpful. I don't suppose you still have that 
documentation for installing ubuntu around do you? All I remember is 
that it suggested booting from a live Ubuntu ISO and then running 
pbuilder. It doesn't look as if mk-basefile uses pbuilder though which 
confuses me.

On 12/27/2017 12:13 PM, Thomas Lange wrote:
> I've removed this very old wiki howto. There's the script mk-basefile
> in /usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/simple/basefiles/mk-basefile which
> is used for creating basefiles. Currently there's only an entry for
> Ubuntu xenial, but a similar one should work for 17.10.

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