Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

sebastian at coli.uni-saarland.de sebastian at coli.uni-saarland.de
Wed Apr 6 12:50:09 CEST 2016

I'm struggeling figuring out how to make FAI work with ubuntu 16.04. My
base system is an ubuntu 16.04 as well and I'm using 5.0.3ubuntu1.

Can anyone share his NFSROOT-file and nfsroot-hooks ?

There are two problems I face right now:

1.) systemd

2.) dracut and initramfs

Problem with 1.) is that systemd is not supported by fai but installed.
I tried to fix that with a hook but I'm not sure if this results in a
working nfsroot:

root at fai:/etc/fai# cat nfsroot-hooks/10-upstart 
$ROOTCMD apt-get install upstart
$ROOTCMD apt-get install upstart-sysv
$ROOTCMD rm -f /sbin/init
$ROOTCMD ln -s $NFSROOT/sbin/upstart /sbin/init
# If rcS.conf is not removed, FAI will be started twice.
$ROOTCMD rm /etc/init/rcS.conf

Problem with 2.) ist that fai-make-nfsroot has an hardcoded
dependency for dracut in the check_nfsroot() function. But dracut
conflicts with initramfs-tools which are needed by other packages..
At the moment I have no solution for this.

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