AW: Option to set Ports for NFS mount

Schulz, Reiner R.Schulz at
Mon Mar 30 12:41:48 CEST 2015

We use fai 3.4.8 for now and "patch" /usr/sbin/fai at line  " export romountopt" to

" export romountopt="-t nfs4 -o port=20549,soft,async,noatime,nolock,ro,actimeo=1800"

and /usr/lib/fai/fai-savelog in save_log_remote() to

"export remotesh="ssh  -p20550 -i /var/lib/fai/config/.ssh/id_ecdsa.failoguser"
"export remotecp="scp  -P20550 -i /var/lib/fai/config/.ssh/id_ecdsa.failoguser"

For background:
We connect to the client via  ssh tunnel with two reverse tunnel, one for nfs and another for remote logging. 

Reiner Schulz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Thomas Lange
Gesendet: Montag, 30. März 2015 12:16
An: fully automatic installation for Linux
Betreff: Re: Option to set Ports for NFS mount

>>>>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:30:15 +0000, "Schulz, Reiner" <R.Schulz at> said:

    > in our enviroment we must to use a ssh tunnelt to connect to fai clients.
    > So we have to  use reverse ssh tunnel for all connections from client to  server (nfs, save-log, etc)
    > Up to now we patch the fai programs to use/change the used ports.

    > Could you make an option to used  custom ports?

I'm not sure where to set the port for the NFS mount, maybe specifying
this on the kernel command line would help.


regards Thomas

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