Installing Ubuntu-Trusty Clients - bash shellshock issue?

René Bleisch accounts at
Fri Jun 19 15:09:38 CEST 2015

Dear FAI-Users,
today I installed an Ubuntu Trusty Client from my Debian/wheezy nfsroot
(which I use for all Debian and Ubuntu clients).
during the installation, suddenly some "/bin/bash: error importing
function definition for `BASH_FUNC"  errors where thrown.
The installation seems to succed - the configurations are successfull, I
can boot into the system and everything works as expected.

=> hence its not a serious issue but only annoying because it spoofs the
=> it only occurs during Ubuntu trusty installations (no such errors for
wheezy/jessie clients)
=> it never happened before (my last Ubuntu install was 25.April)
=> googleing suggests, that it is related to bash being patched for the
"Shellshock" vulnerability (was it included in a recent
Ubuntu-bash-package update?)

Did anyone have similar issues with Ubuntu clients?


Here some fai.log snippets:
It happens twice.

during task_debconf before "locales" is reconfigured:
Calling task_debconf
Adding debconf data from /var/lib/fai/config/debconf/UBUNTUSERVER
Adding debconf data from /var/lib/fai/config/debconf/KERBEROS_CLIENT
Reconfiguring package adduser
Reconfiguring package dash
Reconfiguring package debconf
Reconfiguring package libpam-runtime
debconf: DbDriver "_ENV_stack": unable to save changes to:
libpam-runtime/profiles libpam-runtime/override
Reconfiguring package locales
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_action(): line 0: syntax error near unexpected
token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_action(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_task_action() ()
{  if [ -z "$FAI_ACTION" ]; then'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_task_action'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_mount_mirror(): line 0: syntax error near
unexpected token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_mount_mirror(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_mount_mirror()
() {  [ "$FAI_DEBMIRROR" ] || return;'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_mount_mirror'
  (more than 100 lines with similar messages for other functions)
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_mountdisks(): line 0: syntax error near
unexpected token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_mountdisks(): line 0:
`BASH_FUNC_task_mountdisks() () {  [ ! -f $LOGDIR/fstab ] && die "No
$LOGDIR/fstab created.";'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for
Reconfiguring package sysv-rc
Reconfiguring package tzdata

and during task_updatebase before bash is unpacked:
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
(Reading database ... 11865 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../base-files_7.2ubuntu5.2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking base-files (7.2ubuntu5.2) over (7.2ubuntu5) ...
Setting up base-files (7.2ubuntu5.2) ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/issue ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/ ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/lsb-release ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/os-release ...
(Reading database ... 11865 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../bash_4.3-7ubuntu1.5_amd64.deb ...
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_softupdate(): line 0: syntax error near
unexpected token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_task_softupdate(): line 0:
`BASH_FUNC_task_softupdate() () {  echo Performing FAI system update.
All data may be
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for
  (more than 100 lines with similar messagesfor other functions)
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_save_dmesg(): line 0: syntax error near unexpected
token `)'
/bin/bash: BASH_FUNC_save_dmesg(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_save_dmesg() () { 
if [ -x /usr/sbin/logtail ]; then'
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_save_dmesg'
Unpacking bash (4.3-7ubuntu1.5) over (4.3-6ubuntu1) ...
Setting up bash (4.3-7ubuntu1.5) ...
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