FAI question

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Fri Jun 19 11:24:24 CEST 2015

I forgot a few things.

Since this is a generic nfsroot, you have to adjust some files in

Add a entry to /srv/fai/fnsroot/etc/hosts for your install server, so
the clients can use the hostname instead of the IP for accessing it.

Also put your resolv.conf into the nfsroot:
cp /etc/resolv.conf /srv/fai/nfsroot/etc/

Set the password of the root account iside the nfsroot:
chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot usermod -p "$FAI_ROOTPW" root

The variable FAI_ROOTPW is normally defined in /etc/fai/nfsroot.conf
See https://github.com/faiproject/fai/blob/master/conf/nfsroot.conf
This hash will set the password to "fai".

regards Thomas

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