softupdate can't find config space

John G Heim jheim at
Mon Aug 31 18:50:31 CEST 2015

I'm having problems with fai softupdate after an upgrade from debian 
wheezy to ubuntu vivid. The config space is available at the same url as 
always. The fai softupdate command is the same as always. But when I run 
the fai command, it says it can't find the config space in fstab. I can 
mount the config space via a mount command, 'mount -t nfs 
faiserver:/src/fai/config/ /var/lib/fai/config/' -- that works.

Something must have changed about the way you specify the url to mount 
the config space. Yet the fai man page does not indicate as much.

--- begin quote ---
# fai --verbose --class=HOURLY softupdate
                    Fully Automatic Installation  -  FAI

                    FAI 3.4.8ubuntu5, 06 Nov 2013   (c) 1999-2010
                Thomas Lange  <lange at>
Starting FAI execution - 20150831_114052

Using configuration files from /etc/fai
Calling task_confdir
No monitor daemon defined.
FAI_CONFIG_SRC is set to nfs://faiserver/srv/fai/config/
mount: can't find faiserver:/srv/fai/config/ in /etc/fstab
Error in task confdir. Traceback: task_error main
FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.
WARNING: directory /class not found.
Problems accessing the config space.

John Heim, jheim at, skype:john.g.heim

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