AW: Option to set Ports for NFS mount

Schulz, Reiner R.Schulz at
Mon Apr 13 16:54:36 CEST 2015

Hi Thomas,

I tried your hint, but this work only on install not with softupdate right? 

NFSROOT/ root/.ssh/config  is only used at install time

On softupdate the "local" root User is used. 

my reverse tunnel use "localhost" as host, so I think it is a bad idea to change the ssh port for localhost.

May be there is another way: scp and ssh  have an option "-F" to use another config file,  if you could extent "fai-savelog" to use something like "-F $MYSSHCONFIGFILEWITHSPECIALOPTION" if this variable is set to an file in the configspace.

May be?

Reiner Schulz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Thomas Lange
Gesendet: Montag, 30. März 2015 12:16
An: fully automatic installation for Linux
Betreff: Re: Option to set Ports for NFS mount

>>>>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:30:15 +0000, "Schulz, Reiner" <R.Schulz at> said:

    > in our enviroment we must to use a ssh tunnelt to connect to fai clients.
    > So we have to  use reverse ssh tunnel for all connections from client to  server (nfs, save-log, etc)
    > Up to now we patch the fai programs to use/change the used ports.

    > Could you make an option to used  custom ports?
Hi Reiner,

you can use /root/.ssh/config (inside the nfsroot) to specify a
different port for the ssh and scp commands. It should look like this:

Host faiserver.yourdomain faiserver
Port 1234


regards Thomas

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