Updated installation instructions for Ubuntu

René Bleisch accounts at climate.unibe.ch
Fri Sep 19 13:39:51 CEST 2014

Hi Robert,
I would appreciate it if you update the Wiki!

I operate a wheezy FAI-server with wheezy workstations since quite some 
Additionaly I operate a couple of Ubuntu server machines (10.04 LTS, 
12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS). Now I plan to also automate the 
installation/configuration process using FAI, but I definitely prefer to 
use Ubuntu LTS for servers.

Therefore I started to setup a FAI-server for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machines 
recently (I already made some posts concerning it on 7 and 8 July).

In the meantime I got it to work with the following setup:
FAI-server machine: wheezy (same as for wheezy-workstations)
nfsroot: wheezy (same as for wheezy-workstations)
config: separate config space for Ubuntu 14.04 (based on the 
wheezy-config, but adapted to Ubuntu)

I tried to setup an Ubuntu 14.04 nfsroot, but I had quite some problems 
hence I now use the wheezy nfsroot (as suggested by answers to my posts)

- I created a Ubuntu 14.04 basefile according to your wiki
- /var/lib/fai/config was not created during installation => I had to 
add a script which creates this folder during the installation (or else 
softupdates will fail as the config-space cannot be mounted...)

With this setup, I could successfully install a new Ubuntu-machine and 
integrate it in my Linux Network.
However, I didn't manage to get a working graphical interface (GDM/gnome).
But this doesn't matter so much for me, as I plan to use this setup to 
install Ubuntu server machines, for those a graphical interface is not 
necessarily required (only a "nice-to-have").

I'd definitely like to test your instructions once they are published


On 09/19/2014 11:56 AM, Robert Markula wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I would like to update the Wiki page on Ubuntu [1] with instructions on
> how to install and run FAI 4.2.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 using a Ubuntu 14.04
> NFSroot and installing Ubuntu 14.04 on the clients.
> The current information about Ubuntu 12.04 is deprecated (12.04 is still
> supported but the current LTS is 14.04) and partly incorrect. Would that
> be okay with you?
> Also, I managed to get FAI 4.2.4 working on Ubuntu 14.04 using a *Debian
> Wheezy* NFSroot and installing Ubuntu 14.04 on the clients. Is there any
> need for this constellation?
> It would be great if some of you could help me testing the instructions
> once they are published.
> Cheers,
> Robert
> [1] http://wiki.fai-project.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_Linux_with_FAI

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