Kernel panic - FAI 4.1.1

Rui Teixeira ruiteixeira18 at
Thu May 15 19:18:46 CEST 2014

Apparently you were right, postgresql, for some reason, was picking UID 103
to use as "creator" of the installation. I've change that to the user that
I want and it work fine now. I'm haveing a problem with SSL certificates to
use TCP ove SSL but this is a postgresql question and not a FAI question,
so I think we are done for now.

Thank you very much for all of your responses, I am very grateful

2014-05-15 16:48 GMT+01:00 Toomas Tamm <tt-fai at>:

> Could it be that the postgres package assumes some specific numeric UID,
> which is already taken? Check your /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow
> and /etc/group for anything suspicious, such as duplicate UID or GID
> values. Also have a look at the preinst and postinst scripts of the
> package to see how the users and groups are handled (perhaps created)?
> I have a hook for FAI, hooks/instsoft.YKI (all our machines belong to
> the "YKI" class, named after the subdivision where I work). There I
> create several users with fixed UID's and GID's, to enforce uniform
> values for these across all our computers. Some examples:
> if [ "$FAI_ACTION" = "install" ] ; then
>     # This user is for the logfile copy/analyze facility.
>     $ROOTCMD adduser --home /var/log --shell /bin/false --uid 201
> --ingroup adm --gecos "For copying logs" --disabled-password
> --no-create-home yki-logs
>     # A more sophisticated case where the user may or may not exist
> already. $MYSQL_SHELL may be /bin/sh or /bin/false depending on the host
>     $ROOTCMD grep mysql /etc/passwd > /dev/null && $ROOTCMD usermod --uid
> 208 mysql && $ROOTCMD groupmod --gid 208 mysql
>     $ROOTCMD grep mysql /etc/passwd > /dev/null || $ROOTCMD adduser --home
> /var/lib/mysql --shell $MYSQL_SHELL --uid 208 --gecos "MySQL server"
> --disabled-password --no-create-home mysql
> fi
> Toomas
> On Thu, 2014-05-15 at 16:28 +0100, Rui Teixeira wrote:
> > Ok, it worked to download and install postgresql, but now I've a
> > strange problem. I have 1 user 'xpto' and 'root'. Installation and
> > boot were ok, but now I can't start postgresql because he must be
> > started by sshd user (?!?!). I've checked and all configuration files
> > belongs do sshd postgres, i.e.:
> > # ls -l /et/postgresql/9.3/main
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 sshd postgres   315 Main 15:14 environment
> > ...
> >
> >
> > I don't understand, where I can force to create and use user 'xpto' to
> > be the owner and be able to start services on the sysytem?
> >
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