Ubuntu 14.04 host: kernel panic

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at kky.ttu.ee
Fri Jun 13 09:33:07 CEST 2014

On Thu, 2014-06-12 at 23:39 +0200, Robert Markula wrote:
> Hi list,
> after a few days of unsuccessful troubleshooting I'm afraid I have to
> ask for your help :-)

> Any idea what might be wrong? Or where to look at? Does anybody have a
> setup where installing Ubuntu 14.04 actually works?

Try adding "rdshell rdinitdebug rd.debug" to the kernel command line.
Makes the booting slow and produces enormous amount of output (at least
under Debian) but may help to pinpoint the part of booting process where
the error occurs.

In the past, for debugging of initrd problems, I have also created
custom initrd's with additional debug statements added to the various
shell scripts. I do not remember the details, but there should be guides
on the net on how to create your own initrd.


Toomas Tamm

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