output for parted 1.8.8 (or older releases)

Toomas Tamm toomas.tamm at ttu.ee
Thu Jun 12 13:52:10 CEST 2014

On Thu, 2014-06-12 at 10:27 +0200, Thomas Neumann wrote:
> Hello
> Someone provided me with output for a parted v1.8.8 but the flags column looks 
> very strange:
> [...] Flags                            
> [...] , , , , , , , , , type=82, ,     
> [...] boot, , , , , , , , , type=83, , 
> Can somebody else confirm this is really correct? In Volumes.pm for setup-
> storage 1.5 there's an example for an even older parted 1.7.1 but the Flags 
> column looks like parted 2.x:

Here is output from my two last lenny hosts, due to be upgraded next
week :-)

# uname -a
Linux slater 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Mar 4 22:19:19 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

# /sbin/parted --version
parted (GNU parted) 1.8.8

# /sbin/parted -s /dev/hda unit B print
Model: ST3120022A (ide)
Disk /dev/hda: 120034123776B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start         End            Size          Type      File system  Flags    
 1      32256B        23622481407B   23622449152B  extended               boot, lba
 5      64512B        1073806335B    1073741824B   logical   ext3                  
 6      1073838592B   11811256831B   10737418240B  logical   ext3                  
 7      11811289088B  12885030911B   1073741824B   logical   ext3                  
 8      12885063168B  23622481407B   10737418240B  logical   ext3                  
 2      23622481408B  25769965055B   2147483648B   primary   linux-swap            
 3      25769965056B  36507383295B   10737418240B  primary   ext3                  
 4      36507383296B  120034123775B  83526740480B  primary   ext3                  

---- (other host) ----

# /sbin/parted -s /dev/hda unit B print
Model: Maxtor 2B020H1 (ide)
Disk /dev/hda: 20490559488B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start         End           Size         Type      File system  Flags
 1      32256B        2934521855B   2934489600B  extended                    
 5      64512B        419586047B    419521536B   logical   ext3         boot 
 6      419618304B    943939583B    524321280B   logical   ext3              
 7      943971840B    1153990655B   210018816B   logical   ext3              
 8      1154022912B   2934521855B   1780498944B  logical   ext3              
 2      2934521856B   3983228927B   1048707072B  primary   linux-swap        
 3      3983228928B   12662415359B  8679186432B  primary   ext3              
 4      12662415360B  20490559487B  7828144128B  primary   ext3              


Toomas Tamm

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